Sunday, May 28, 2006
Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

"Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. - Oscar Goldman
Well I am not Steve, hell I'm not even Lee Majors, I am better, stronger, faster.
I revisited the site of my first tri, the Comox Valley Islander Tri-K. I only did this last year, seems so long ago. I did my race or once again completed the race and got the tri bug.
After a year of sporadic training including about 5 months of real training (for that half iron race June 18), I am better.
My race last year was 1:27:25 for a 750/20/5 and this year I was a whopping just under 9 minutes better at 1:18:11. 9 minutes seems so small but feels so good.
On another note my wife looks much better than Lindsay Wagner does now.
Lance Armstrong Wrong !!

Well I keep meaning to train hard but I am dead tired all of the time.
I think I may have overtrained in the months preceding this blog.
I went for a quick 30km ride on my new steed the, P3 SL. (Incidently anyone wanting a new bike the pictured one is for sale) I beat my previous speed by about 3 km/hr. Lance was wrong, it is about the bike!
Yesterday I also went for a slow 10k run along the goose. Took me 54 min. If that ain't slow I don't know what is....Although for me it's the norm.
You see I am the norm. I work a FT job with crazy shift work hours and it's tough to train. I am a mortal married man with children. So when I am not working...I am working. No excuses just making I certain I believe that I the reason I am not making huge strides to gain elite times, It is because if time and not effort.
I am better than a few months ago though.....much better and thinner and stronger.
Racing .....ummm....participating in the Comox Tri-K this weekend. This was my first tri ever last year so I am just hoping to beat my time.
Til Then........
Monday, May 22, 2006
Holy Bonkin' Batman !!

Well I set out for a 20k run on Saturday afternoon and made it to about 12.5k and I was dead.
I had come off the 12hr night and had 5 hrs of sleep got dressed and went to Elk Lake for a run. Nice steady (slow for some) pace. At about the 8k mark I was pretty much feeling pain all down my left side from my ass cheek down to the knee.
I thought the pain was fine. I can run through it. Then I hit the proverbial wall. My first ever bonk. I guess the go go go life I lead finally caught up to me.
I currently have a sinus infection, a big cough and I am just knackered.
I planned on taking a day off of training and now that has moved into 2 days.
Tomorrow I try again. Tuesdays' WO will be a swim and a bike or run, depending on weather.
Good day.
Friday, May 19, 2006
My First Post & My Day is Long

Well my postings have now officially begun although I have nothing really to say, strange as that is.
I did some decent training yesterday.
45 Minute Open Water Swim at Thetis Lake
36 Minute Treadmill Interval workout as 10km/hr x 10min WU; 5x400m(as 200x14km/h, 200x15km/h); 10km/hr x 10 min CD, followed by some easy stretching.
I had planned to wake up after my night shift at 1200, which was successful. What wasn't, however, was getting off my butt to do any actual training. I felt extremely sluggish. Legs sore. Back sore.
Just a big baby.
I am going to try to do a decent 45 min on the treadmill tonight at work.
Well thats number 1.