Sunday, May 28, 2006
Lance Armstrong Wrong !!

Well I keep meaning to train hard but I am dead tired all of the time.
I think I may have overtrained in the months preceding this blog.
I went for a quick 30km ride on my new steed the, P3 SL. (Incidently anyone wanting a new bike the pictured one is for sale) I beat my previous speed by about 3 km/hr. Lance was wrong, it is about the bike!
Yesterday I also went for a slow 10k run along the goose. Took me 54 min. If that ain't slow I don't know what is....Although for me it's the norm.
You see I am the norm. I work a FT job with crazy shift work hours and it's tough to train. I am a mortal married man with children. So when I am not working...I am working. No excuses just making I certain I believe that I the reason I am not making huge strides to gain elite times, It is because if time and not effort.
I am better than a few months ago though.....much better and thinner and stronger.
Racing .....ummm....participating in the Comox Tri-K this weekend. This was my first tri ever last year so I am just hoping to beat my time.
Til Then........