Friday, May 19, 2006
My First Post & My Day is Long

Well my postings have now officially begun although I have nothing really to say, strange as that is.
I did some decent training yesterday.
45 Minute Open Water Swim at Thetis Lake
36 Minute Treadmill Interval workout as 10km/hr x 10min WU; 5x400m(as 200x14km/h, 200x15km/h); 10km/hr x 10 min CD, followed by some easy stretching.
I had planned to wake up after my night shift at 1200, which was successful. What wasn't, however, was getting off my butt to do any actual training. I felt extremely sluggish. Legs sore. Back sore.
Just a big baby.
I am going to try to do a decent 45 min on the treadmill tonight at work.
Well thats number 1.