Monday, May 22, 2006
Holy Bonkin' Batman !!

Well I set out for a 20k run on Saturday afternoon and made it to about 12.5k and I was dead.
I had come off the 12hr night and had 5 hrs of sleep got dressed and went to Elk Lake for a run. Nice steady (slow for some) pace. At about the 8k mark I was pretty much feeling pain all down my left side from my ass cheek down to the knee.
I thought the pain was fine. I can run through it. Then I hit the proverbial wall. My first ever bonk. I guess the go go go life I lead finally caught up to me.
I currently have a sinus infection, a big cough and I am just knackered.
I planned on taking a day off of training and now that has moved into 2 days.
Tomorrow I try again. Tuesdays' WO will be a swim and a bike or run, depending on weather.
Good day.