Tuesday, January 23, 2007
8K Of Pain

So once again even though I am being diagnosed for some sort of nerve issue, I decided it would be a good idea to 'race', and please notice the quotes...picture air quotes as I say 'race'.
I did a local 8K rolling course and finished in the middle of the pack, well back to middle.
I finished in 40:37 which ain't too bad for very little running over the last 7 months.
Well thats my update...good training.
I did a local 8K rolling course and finished in the middle of the pack, well back to middle.
I finished in 40:37 which ain't too bad for very little running over the last 7 months.
Well thats my update...good training.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
More Of The Same
Well after getting myself back up to relatively high training (comparitively), I am once again in constant pain.
I was going to the base physiotherapist to attempt to never allow the same pain issues (see previous posts starting in June) to re-occur. At my first meeting he said the cause of my problems was weak gluteus medius muscles; the second visit he changes it to weak adductors; on the third visit he decided that maybe it was weak back muscles and he proceeded to make me bend completely over and then back up to am arch and repeat quickly. After I was done the first 'set' of these I felt severe burn throughout both legs,I told the PT this and he had me do more and different aarching/bending exercises where the burn and overall became worse. At this point he said that he one job and that was to make a change in my condition and laughing he said that he did just that....jackass. From here he sent me down the hall to make an appointment with a regular MD for furthing and said that he has done all he can for me.
I asked for advice from many folks and went into my appt and asked for a barrage of tests the first was a lumbo-sacral xray and we will move into an MRI of both legs and the lumbo-sacral region when possible. If nothing is picked up on these we will move into a sympathetic block and/or a nerve volocity termination test (something like that) with lots of needles.
I plan to continue with training but not quite as hard as hoped. I may have to move away from a May 1/2 Iron goal and instead change it into a sprint or olympic to keep volume down but intensity up.
Well thats it for now.
I was going to the base physiotherapist to attempt to never allow the same pain issues (see previous posts starting in June) to re-occur. At my first meeting he said the cause of my problems was weak gluteus medius muscles; the second visit he changes it to weak adductors; on the third visit he decided that maybe it was weak back muscles and he proceeded to make me bend completely over and then back up to am arch and repeat quickly. After I was done the first 'set' of these I felt severe burn throughout both legs,I told the PT this and he had me do more and different aarching/bending exercises where the burn and overall became worse. At this point he said that he one job and that was to make a change in my condition and laughing he said that he did just that....jackass. From here he sent me down the hall to make an appointment with a regular MD for furthing and said that he has done all he can for me.
I asked for advice from many folks and went into my appt and asked for a barrage of tests the first was a lumbo-sacral xray and we will move into an MRI of both legs and the lumbo-sacral region when possible. If nothing is picked up on these we will move into a sympathetic block and/or a nerve volocity termination test (something like that) with lots of needles.
I plan to continue with training but not quite as hard as hoped. I may have to move away from a May 1/2 Iron goal and instead change it into a sprint or olympic to keep volume down but intensity up.
Well thats it for now.
Monday, January 01, 2007
This year I am vowing that I will lose more weight. I would like to get down to about 190, I think it will be easier to drag my butt up hills.
I am going to log weekly training on this site so I follow through more to reach my Ironman distance completion by years end.
Most importantly I will be better. Generally. In work, in family, in pursuits, in life.
Back later this week
I am going to log weekly training on this site so I follow through more to reach my Ironman distance completion by years end.
Most importantly I will be better. Generally. In work, in family, in pursuits, in life.
Back later this week