Monday, September 04, 2006
Pain Pain Go Away...don't come again you little bastard or I'll...

Well after a week or two of ART pain is still here. Not as bad in the right knee, but still very evident in the left. ART hurts. It is such a deep tissue 'massage' that it hurts a lot. See the picture.
I have an appointment with the base doctors on Thursday at which time I hope to push them into getting me an MRI to finally diagnose this thing for certain. I want it gone!
I have it in my head that I may be able to qualify for IMC by going to a race in Ontario that has done a complete roll down on spots for many years. And a complete roll down means even the suck-worthy, such as I, may have a shot.
Well until the doctor appt, this is Brian saying, 'Kids eat your vitamins, say your prayers and dammt don't bother your mother while she's reading cause then I have to put up with that crap and who wants that?! Not me. You want it?!? Don't get smart with me. Go to your room'
Ah life is grand.

Oh yeah and I got a new training bike.