Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Well after the 1/2 I decided to take 3 days with no exercise whatsoever and felt great.
Even after that I eased into it, 5k the first day, 8k the second, back down to 5k, a 1500m OW swim, and a 30k TT.
Well after the first 5k I felt sore in the front and side of my hip and my knee. It has gotten progressively worse every day.Even with no training over a 5 day period it still did not get better.
Even though I am injured I am goingto do the Cowichan Challenge since I paid for it and all. If that goes not too bad, I will do the tri for compassion and then take 3 weeks off while on vacation. I was planning on doing 2 races wile I was there but I think the rest will do me good.
Anyhow I will report next most likely after the CC.