Friday, June 02, 2006
Am I Lazy or Overtrained

I am still finding it pretty tough to get out there and do what I need to.
Tired a lot. I am thinking the shift work is pretty bad for my morale. It's almost as if I am go go go all of the time.
Oh well such is life.
This week I have exercised regualry with a 30km TT, a super fast lake swim (1500m in under 20 min) and a bunch of shorter, fast runs.
I have the panorama classic triathlon this weekend and I am hoping that my time will be about 10 min less than last years terrble 2:10:59 for the .5/30/8 course. It is a hilly bike and a challenging run but I should get there, at least thats my hope.
I was hoping to get up some pics of last weeks finish but my wife wasn't expecting me so soon and the camera was but she got a couple of action shots.
Until Monday....oh yeah and my loving wife is doing a gutbuster series trail run up mt doug on saturday so wish her luck.